Asakusa Area Maps

To get here the fastest/cheapest way by train, enter your starting location into the

Train Finder

or download a free Japan Travel mobile app to your phone (I use Navitime Japan Travel)

The Asakusa Area


Best places to see cherry blossoms in late March to early April:


How to take the Asakusa waterbus:

Waterbus map

•Go back to the main street and walk back toward the Kaminari-mon (the big red Thunder Gate that that marks the entrance to Senso-ji temple.) Keep walking along the street toward the river. This street leads to a bridge.

• As you face the bridge, the waterbus ticket booth is to your left, next to the bridge.

• You will see a schedule in English right near the ticket windows. Buy a one-way ticket to Hinode Pier (near Hamamatsucho Station, on the JR line).

• After you have your ticket, stand in line around to the right of the booths.

From the Hinode Pier, you can get on other waterbuses to take you to Odaiba.

If you want to see the Hama-Rikyu Gardens:

• Get off on the stop before Hinode Pier (they will dock and announce the stop).

• Buy a ticket to the gardens at the booth at the end of the pier (¥300 per person).

• Stroll through the gardens. If the teahouse is open and still serving tea, you can get a bowl of thick tea-ceremony-style whisked mattcha and a seasonal tea ceremony sweet for ¥500.

How to get to Kappabashi Street from Asakusa


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Jonelle Patrick writes novels set in Japan, produces the monthly e-magazine Japanagram, and blogs at Only In Japan and The Tokyo Guide I Wish I’d Had

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