Capsule Toy Vending Machine (Gachapon) Locations

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Here is an overview of all my favorite gachapon hunting grounds and detailed directions about how to find the machines once you get to the general location.


Akihabara Station

There are a lot of machines near the entrances to Yodobashi Camera.

Change machine: no

These are the ones nearest the Hibiya Line entrance, in the pass-through opposite the food stands

There’s a bank of choice gachapon machines inside the ticket gates of the JR lines, near the Showa-dori entrance.

Change machine: yes, both bill changer and coin changer, at the island of machines closest to the escalators. Note: These are packed away in storage until 10:00 a.m.!

These are one flight of escalators up from the Showa-dori ticket gate

Yodobashi Camera

Gachapon vending machine mecca is on the sixth floor, in the toy department, not the model department. Follow the overhead signs toward the elevators and you’ll see them. There are two big hunting grounds: one near the cashiers’ desk, and one on the way to the bathrooms.

Change machine: yes, bill changer and coin changer, at the end of the row of machines near the cashiers’ desk.

Radio Kaikan

5th floor is the best. Make a circuit around the central escalators and you’ll see them.

Coin changer: no

Gachapon Hall

This is a stand-alone shop filled with gachapon machines.

Coin changer: No change machine, but the attendent in the booth at the rear of the store will make change for you.

Akiba System Idle Shop

This stand-alone shop is small, but mighty. I never leave without finding something excellent.

Coin changer: No change machine, but the attendent in the booth at the rear of the store will make change for you.


Tokyu Hands

Gachapon are on the same floor as the costumes and souvenirs

Village Vanguard

There are gachapon machines outside both entrances to this Village Vanguard, which is underground and a little tricky to find.

Look for this flight of stairs going down from street level (across the street that runs along the right side of the famous 109 Building)
The Village Vanguard store is on two levels, with two separate entrances on B1 and B2. The gachapon machines are outside both entrances, and there are different ones on each level, so be sure to check both!

Adores photo booth & game center

As you walk toward Tokyu Hands from the station, on the right hand side of the street you’ll see banks of gachapon machines outside the Adores purikura shop and the game center next door.

Coin changer: Yes, both bill and coin changer, inside the game center


Tokyu Hands

Gachapon are on the same floor as the costumes and souvenirs


Tokyu Hands

Gachapon are on the same floor as the costumes and souvenirs

LABI electronics superstore

Gachapon are on the same floor as games and toys


Nakano Broadway

Inside the big Nakano Broadway mall next to Nakano Station, there are a couple of shops that sell excellent gachapon. The shops are always changing around, so you basically have to walk the circuit of each floor, looking for them.

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Jonelle Patrick writes novels set in Japan, produces the monthly e-magazine Japanagram, and blogs at Only In Japan and The Tokyo Guide I Wish I’d Had